Ugen der gik 18 2021: Lyntest og BOOK1

Motivation? Citat: Tilpas dig og overlev

Af Marina Aagaard, MFT

Vær en survivor, en overlever.
Gerne. Men hvordan? 

Charles Darwin, specialist i arternes overlevelse, er citeret for mangt og meget.

Blandt andet:

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, 
nor the most intelligent.
It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Friends of Darwin oplyser dog, at dette ikke er sagt af Darwin, men – ifølge en undersøgelse af Nick Matzke:

Leon C. Megginson, professor i Management og Marketing ved Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA.

Citatet er hans fortolkning af Darwins lære.

Tilpas dig It is not the strongest of the species that survives Motivation citat Marina Aagaard blogDet er ikke artens stærkeste, der overlever,
eller den mest intelligente.
Det er den, der mest tilpasningsdygtig til forandring.

Coronakrisen har vist homo sapiens sapiens at det er sandt; i 2021 gælder det:

Tilpas dig eller gå ned.

Barsk, men sandt. Kæmp ikke imod. Kæmp med …

God dag, uge, måned, år




Nick Matzke, PandasThumb: Survival of the Pithiest:

Yes, change is the basic law of nature. But the changes wrought by the passage of time affects [sic] individuals and institutions in different ways. According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Applying this theoretical concept to us as individuals, we can state that the civilization that is able to survive is the one that is able to adapt to the changing physical, social, political, moral, and spiritual environment in which it finds itself. (Megginson LC (1963). Lessons from Europe for American Business. Southwestern Social Science Quarterly.


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Ugen der gik 18 2021: Lyntest og BOOK1