Air squat eller squat - hvad er det?

CrossFit Ordbog: CrossFit forkortelser engelsk og dansk

Af Marina Aagaard, MFT

Som svar på spørgsmål om CrossFit® og CrossFit ord. De daglige træninger, Workout of the Day, WOD, skrives med forkortelser eller akronymer (initialord), forkortelser dannet af ords eller orddeles forbogstaver. Volapyk for udenforstående, indtil man forstår ord, så her er en oversættelse på opfordring. Del gerne.

CrossFit ordbog Marina Aagaard blog fitness

CrossFit Ordbog

CrossFit’s egen liste oversat til dansk:

[AMAP]       As Many as possible (alternativt udtryk for AMRAP)

AMRAP       As Many Reps (el. Rounds) as possible; så mange rep som muligt

ATG             Ass to Grass; bagdelen til jorden, som i dyb benbøjning

BJ                Box Jump, hop op på plyo box

BJO              Box Jump Over

BMU             Bar Muscle Up, pull-up-press stang

BOB             Ball (or body) over box

BBOB           Ball and body over box

BP                Bench press; bænkpres

BS                Back squat; squat med belastning på øvre ryg (bag krop)

BW (BWT)   Body weight; kropsvægt

CFT              CrossFit Total; med max squat, pres og dødløft

CFSB           CrossFit Strength Bias. Særligt program (Jeff Martin, Darrell White)

CFWU          CrossFit Warm-up; opvarmning

C&J              Clean and jerk; stød

CLN             Clean; stød, vægtløftningsøvelse

CTB             Chest to bar, C2B, pull-up med bryst op til stang

C2                 Concept II rowing machine; C2 romaskine

DB               Dumbbell, håndvægte

DFL             Dead F’ing Last, allersidst i feltet (konkurrence)

DL                Deadlift; dødløft

DNF             Did Not Finish. Fuldførte ikke/gennemførte ikke i tide.

DNS             Did Not Start. Kunne ikke starte af en eller anden årsag.

DU               Double Unders; dobbeltsving sjip; tov under fødder to gange per sving

EMOM         Every Minute On the Minute; antal reps indenfor minut, resten pause

FS                  Front squat; squat med stang foran ved bryst

GHR(D)        Glute ham raise (developer). Ryg extension på bænk (også som situp)

GPP             General physical preparedness, “fitness”; generel fysisk parathed

GTG             Grease the Groove; mange submax sæt af en øvelse i løbet af dag

H2H              Hand to hand (Jeff Martone); kettlebell jonglering (eller kampteknik)

HSPU          Hand stand push up; armstrækning på hænder, frit eller støtte på væg

HSQ             Hang squat (clean, snatch); start med stang “at the hang” i knæhøjde

IF                  Intermittent Fasting; periodisk faste, fase i perioder

KB                Kettlebell; træningsredskab,’keddelkugle med håndtag’ i stål/metal

MEBB          Maximum Effort Black box; Mike Rutherford (tjek CrossFit forum)

KTE             Knees to elbows, K2E; knæ til albuer; hængende benløft

MetCon       Metabolic Conditioning workout; træning der forbedrer stofskiftet

MP                Military press; skulderpres med stang foran ansigt

MU                Muscle ups. I ringe el. stang: Kombo: Pull-up?dip; slut i strakte arme

OHS             Overhead squat. Dyb squat; arme i wide grip press over (bag) hoved

PC                Power clean; løft af stang fra gulv til toppen af brystet med fuld kraft

Pd                 Pood, vægtmål for kettlebells

PR                Personal record; personlig rekord, bedste resultat til dato

PP                Push press; skulderpres med benaktivitet (pres op under strækning)

PSN             Power snatch; snatch/træk med lettere vægt. evt. uden bøjning af ben

PU                Pull-ups – eller push ups – afhænger af sammenhæng

Rep              Repetition. En gentagelse af en øvelse

Rx’d             Som foreskrevet, som skrevet; en træning udført uden ændringer

RM               Repetition maximum. 1RM er max løft i 1 rep. 10RM max v. 10 rep.

SDHP          Sumo deadlift high pull; sumo dødløft (bredstående) til højt træk

Set                Sæt; et antal repetitioner, fx 3 sæt a 10 rep, ofte set som 3 x 10

SPP              Specific physical preparedness; skill training, færdighedstræning

SN                Snatch; træk, vægtløftningsøvelse

SQ                Squat; benbøjning (med vægt) – uden vægt (i CrossFit); air squat

SS                Starting Strength; Mark Rippetoe bog om ‘strength training basics’

Subbed       Substituted. Erstattede (en ‘umulig’ øvelse med en som er mulig)

TGU             Turkish get-up (See exercise section)

TTB             Toes to bar, T2B: Hængende benløft; bøj hofte; tæer til stangen

WB              Wall ball; medicinbold kast opad væg

WO (W/O)    Workout; træning, træningspas

WOD            Workout of the day; dagens træning(spas)

YBF              You’ll Be Fine; det skal du nok klare, det kommer til at gå godt

YGIG           You Go I Go; makkere skiftes til at være aktiv og holde pause


Greatist tilføjelser:



Burpees: Starting from standing, athletes bend down and plant their hands, kick back into a plank position, and perform a push-up. The legs are then brought back in, and the movement culminates with a slight jump up and hands clapped overhead. Feet have to leave the ground for it to count.

Double Under: A double under is when a jump rope passes under an athlete’s feet twice with only one jump. Don’t think it sounds much harder than normal jump rope? Try 50 (or heck, even 15) of these bad boys in a row and see if there’s any breath left to complain.

Bodyweight/Air Squat: Standing straight up, an athlete squats down until their hips are below their knees, then stands back up until the hips are once again fully extended. Expect upwards of 150 bodyweight squats in many CrossFit workouts, and remember, keep that chest up!

Knees to Elbows:Hang on! In this movement, athletes hang from a pull-up bar and then shoot their knees up toward the torso until the elbows and knees touch. For a harder version, try bringing the toes all the way to the bar.

Kipping Pull-Up:Watch almost any video on CrossFit and you’ll likely see people swinging from bars like sweaty, fitness-oriented orangutans. But there’s a rhythm to that swinging, letting athletes transfer horizontal motion to vertical force and allowing for more (and quicker) pull-ups.

Pistol: Also known as single leg squats, pistols require half the legs, but twice the effort.

Band-Assisted Pull-Up:Forget fancy machines. CrossFitters who can’t quite get all the way up loop stretch bands over the bar and use them as a low-tech (and cheaper) alternative to assisted pull-ups.

Walking Lunge:Using bodyweight, a barbell on the shoulders, or a weight plate held directly overhead, athletes step forward with one foot and bend both legs until their back knee taps the ground. Repeat for the reps prescribed or until the legs turn to jelly.

Rope Climb:Couldn’t get enough of high school gym class? Grab on tight and shimmy upwards with this staple of CrossFit workouts.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull:In this movement, athletes take a wide stance over a barbell and explosively pull from the ground upward until the bar comes up to shoulder height— no 400-pound wrestlers required.

Thruster:One of CrossFit’s most deceptively tiring movements, the thruster is— “simply”— a front squat straight into a push press. Try them once and prepare to cringe next time they show up on the schedule.

Handstand Push-Up:These are a basic movement for gymnasts— but a real challenge (and an awesome bar trick) for most regular folks. In most CrossFit workouts, athletes can kick up to a wall for stability while they perform this movement. Just remember these don’t count unless the head touches the ground at the bottom and arms are fully locked at the top.

Muscle Up: In one of the most advanced CrossFit movements, athletes hang from gymnastic rings and explosively pull their chest above the rings to the bottom of a dip position. From there they push up until the arms are fully locked (of course, the tricky part is figuring out how to get down from there).

GHD Sit-Up:Don’t underestimate this super sit-up, one of the main culprits behind workout-induced rhabdomyolysis. Sitting face-up on a glute-ham developer (see GHD entry below), athletes reach back until their hands graze the ground, then explosively extend their legs and sit up.

Box Jump:No running starts allowed. Athletes jump up onto a box of a given height from a two-footed stance. Pro tip: Pretend your legs are springs (or consider investing in some Kangoo shoes).

Snatch:Get your mind out of the gutter. The snatch is one of two Olympic lifts where athletes explosively lift a weighted barbell from ground to overhead in one movement, often squatting under the bar and then standing up— or “recovering”— to allow for heavier weights.

Clean & Jerk:The other Olympic lift, the clean & jerk actually encompasses two separate movements. Athletes start by explosively lifting a weighted barbell from the ground to the shoulders, often squatting under and then standing to recover. After a brief pause, athletes take a shallow dip and then drive upward to propel the bar overhead, often landing in a split position and then bringing their feet back in line.

Ring Dip: It’s just like a conventional bodyweight dip, only on gymnastic rings. The rings are unstable, making it harder to keep the hands close to the body (like dips needed to be any harder).

Wallball:Holding a 20-pound (for men) or 14-pound (for ladies) medicine ball, athletes squat down and explosively stand up, throwing the ball toward an eight- or 10-foot target above their heads.


WOD: Workout of the Day. The workout CrossFitters perform on a given day. Many individuals and affiliates follow’s WODs, though others do their own programming (or “bro”-gramming, for the muscle lovers out there).

CrossFit Total:The total is CrossFit’s benchmark strength workout in which athletes have three attempts each (in order, please!) to find their max back squat, standing press, and deadlift. It’s the most exhausting nine reps anyone could ask for.

Hero WODs: Named after military servicemen, police, or firefighters who have died in the line of duty, these difficult workouts are intermittently programmed in CrossFit to provide an extra challenge and reminder of their sacrifice.

Metcon:Short for “metabolic conditioning,” metcons are designed to train stamina, endurance, and conditioning. Unlike WODs— which can also include purely strength or skill-based workouts— metcons generally include some sort of timed component performed at high intensity.

Fran: Don’t let the sweet name fool you. Perhaps CrossFit’s most famous workout, Fran is a 21-15-9 rep scheme of thrusters (95 pounds for men, 65 for women) and pull-ups. For those keeping track at home, that’s 21 thrusters and 21 pull-ups, followed by 15 thrusters and 15 pull-ups, and so on. Elite CrossFitters can finish this monstrosity in less than three minutes, but don’t expect to break twice that during the first try.

Murph:One of CrossFit’s toughest WODs, this workout consists of a one-mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 bodyweight squats. Oh, and then another one-mile run.

Grace: Athletes must complete 30 clean & jerks at 135 pounds (95 for women) as fast as possible. Think of it like a sprint with a barbell.

Isabel: These ladies won’t let up. This one’s the same as Grace, only 30 snatches for time instead of clean & jerks.

Filthy Fifty: For time: 50 Box Jumps, 50 Jumping Pull-ups, 50 Kettlebell Swings (35 lbs), 50 Walking Lunges, 50 Knees to Elbows, 50 Push Press (45 lbs), 50 Back Extensions, 50 Wallballs, 50 Burpees, 50 Double Unders.

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Air squat eller squat - hvad er det?